
Ruger Security Six Serial Number 150 Grips
Ruger Security Six Serial Number 150 Grips

Ruger Security Six Serial Number 150 Grips

It rolled for sure, but I kept the shots in the "kill-zone" and always managed to best the yearly qualification mandate with my Ruger that cops had to do. All those years that caterwauling was being done about the grip-angle I would just get a good Georgia hold on that Ruger and squeeze the trigger. My Security-Six was of the 150-series and has the grip angle "some" complained about. But, I'm here to say, that Security-Six has had thousands of rounds put through it in a 39-year period with no ill effect at all. 38 cartridge grew my OP, given to me by my parents in 1971, starting staying in my duty holster more. 38 that I was also qualified with too and as the strenth of the. I got qualified with it and carried it many years as my duty revolver. 357 ammo I could get and practiced like there was no tomorrow. (4" bbl.,adj.sights,blue) I scraped up all the I was hustling every part time job I could get in 1973 and that new Ruger was a "stretch" for me, even at its 100-dollar price. I was a young cop with a family and couldn't hardly pay the bills at that point in my life. 357 and I just-managed to purchase it by way of lay-a-way. Ruger had just brought out his Security-Six. I couldn't afford none of the above but Mr. Most of my brother officers were buying the S&W Model 19 Combat Magnum or the Colt offering in the Trooper MK III as just one or two could afford a Python, even then. 357 and could carry it on duty, after you qualified with it.

Ruger Security Six Serial Number 150 Grips

In my own Department you could purchase your own double-action. In 1973 law enforcement, in this country, started heading towards the. This was to be my new duty revolver to replace my Department-issued S&W Model 10, which was in blue and had a 4" tapered barrel. 357, a Ruger Security-Six in blue steel, four-inch barrel, and adjustable sights.

Ruger Security Six Serial Number 150 Grips