M-learning sustainability is studied rarely in some contexts such as organizational, psychological, and social context. This article concludes that some factors have significant effects on sustainability in m-learning and some of them are critically important for m-learning initiatives.

A total of 667 survey responses are analyzed, and a model for the sustainability of m-learning is developed. To test the impacts of the factors on sustainability in m-learning, another investigation which bases on survey research is conducted with administrative personnel in UCDE, and instructors and students in the distance education universities.

In addition to the literature review, an investigation based on formal interviews is conducted with 11 heads in university centers for distance education (UCDE) to obtain additional sustainability factors. Current studies on the sustainability of m-learning are reviewed in the context of organizational, financial, legal and ethical, pedagogical, assessment, psychological, and social factors. This study intends to investigate the factors which can affect the sustainability of mobile learning (m-learning) from many perspectives. The question is, could this positive impact be sustained? What can we do to sustain or at least minimise the environmental damage in the future? This paper presents some data on how action to contain Covid-19 such as MCO and lockdown positively impact the environment worldwide especially Malaysia as well as suggestions on how we could sustain, if not all, some part of these positive impacts through new norms. Things will go back to square when normal activities are restored, and lockdowns are lifted. Despite all these, it was argued that this is going to be a temporary blessing. Less air and water pollution are reported everywhere. Literature and reports show that total emissions have decreased due to less usage of fuel, electricity, travelling and the temporary closure of factories. Everywhere around the world were reported to have positive impacts on the environment due to Covid-19 and actions taken in containing it. Even though this pandemic brings fears to the community, there is still a silver lining of this situation. That involves daily activity, education, and economic activities. Hence, many things have changed, including our daily norms.

Also, its effect on business, economies and human lives is devastating. The Covid-19 pandemic came and brought a big wave of shock to the entire world with several millions of recorded death.